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Efavirenz Blog Articles
How Is HIV Transmitted? Tips for Prevention
Learn how HIV is transmitted through specific contact with certain body fluids. Discover the facts about HIV transmission, prevention, and protection.
4 Medications That Can Cause Burning Mouth Syndrome
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS), a burning sensation in the lips, tongue, palate, and other parts of the mouth, can be a side effect of certain medications. Learn more.
HIV Symptoms in Men: Signs to Look For
HIV is a sexually transmitted viral infection that affects white blood cells. Learn about the common HIV symptoms in men and the signs that they should look for in order to get an early diagnosis of this condition.
Medications That Should Not Be Taken with St. John's Wort
St. John's wort is a plant with yellow flowers that has been used in traditional European medicine as far back as the ancient Greeks. Find out what it's used for and it's possible drug interactions.
Are There Medications That Can Cause Depression?
Certain medications can affect the central nervous system and alter brain chemicals. This can lead to drug-induced depression with feelings of sadness, despair, and an increased risk of suicide.