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Sciatica Stretches to Help Relieve Nerve Pain

Sciatica is a painful condition that affects 10-40% of people. People in their 40s are at the highest risk of developing sciatica, and it rarely occurs in people under 20 years of age. A number of medications can help with sciatica symptoms. However, you can also get sciatica relief with conservative treatment such as physical therapy or stretching exercises. Please continue reading to learn some stretches for sciatica.
What causes sciatica pain?
Sciatic pain is severe pain caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve, the longest and thickest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the hip, buttock, and down the leg.
The most common causes of sciatica are problems with the spinal nerves and bones such as herniated disk, lumbar spinal stenosis, or spondylolisthesis. Additionally, piriformis syndrome and inflammation or spasms of the lumbar or pelvic muscles can cause sciatica symptoms. Less commonly, a tumor, abscess, or hematoma can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica pain.
Does stretching help sciatic nerve pain?
Yes, stretching can help with sciatic nerve pain. Specifically, stretching the hamstring and piriformis muscle can relieve sciatica pain. While stretching is not guaranteed to treat sciatica, it is worth trying because it can alleviate pain without taking medications.
What are the top 3 exercises for sciatica?
It’s a good idea to ask a physical therapist to show you how to do sciatic nerve stretches so that you do them correctly at home. In general, it’s advisable to do gentle movements and stick to a comfortable stretch to avoid injuries. Here are some of the stretches that can relieve sciatica pain.
Standing Hamstring Stretch
This stretch will gently pull your hamstring muscles. Stand with your feet together. Lift the affected leg and place it on a table below hip level. Keep your knee softly bent. Then, bend forward with your upper body, keeping your spine straight. You should feel a stretch in the back of your leg. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
Scissor Hamstring Stretch
Place one foot approximately 3 feet behind the other foot. Your hips should be pulled forward, and your shoulders should be pushed back. Place your hands on your hips or use a chair for balance. Bend your torso over your front leg while keeping your back and the other leg straight. Do not move your hip past your knee. Your weight should be on the front leg. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Seated and Standing Piriformis Stretch
This exercise stretches your piriformis muscle, which is closely related to the sciatic nerve. The starting position for this stretch is with you seated in a chair with your lower spine supported, feet on the floor, and knees bent at 90 degrees. Raise the affected leg and cross your ankle over the opposite knee. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat with the opposite leg.
You can also perform a standing piriformis stretch by placing the affected leg on the opposite knee to create the shape of the number 4 with the knee that is bent. Then, lower your hips towards the ground, keeping your back straight. For a deeper stretch, gently lean forward, reaching toward the ground with your arms. Hold the standing stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.
How do you stretch your sciatic nerve in bed?
Here are some stretching exercises for the sciatic nerve that you can do while lying down.
Knee to Chest
Lie on your back, keeping your knees bent and your feet flat. Slowly hug your knees to your chest. You can do this one knee at a time or both knees together. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds and switch legs. Repeat up to 3 times on each side.
Lie on your stomach with your legs extended back. Bend your elbows, keeping your palms flat on the floor near your chest. Gently straighten your elbows, lifting your chest off the floor. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds while breathing deeply.
Sciatic Nerve Glide
Lie flat with your legs extended straight. Bend one knee and hold it from behind using both hands. Slowly straighten the bent knee and perform ankle flexion exercises several times in quick succession. You should feel the stretch in the back of your lower leg. Return to the starting position. Repeat up to 10 times on each side.
Lying Stretch for Sciatic Nerve Pain
Lie flat on your back with one leg straight, and one bent at 90 degrees with the foot flat. Lift the straight leg and cross it over the bent knee. Grab the bent leg near the knee and pull it gently towards the opposite shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times on each side.
How do I get my sciatic nerve to stop hurting fast?
Stretching can help relieve acute sciatic nerve pain. However, if you continue to feel pain despite doing stretches for sciatica, you should consult your healthcare provider for other treatment options.
How do doctors treat sciatica?
Sciatic pain is typically a burning or shooting pain that can be debilitating. After a complete evaluation, your doctor may prescribe the following treatments if the stretches for sciatica do not provide relief:
- Over-the-counter and prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
- Stronger painkillers like opioid analgesics to decrease pain.
- Oral corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.
- Muscle relaxants.
- Medications to treat nerve pain such as gabapentin and pregabalin.
- Steroid injections in the area of the sciatic nerve.
- Spinal manipulations to take the pressure off the nerve.
- Deep tissue massage.
- Physical therapy.
- Alternative therapies like acupuncture.
- Surgery to fix a herniated disc and relieve pressure (in severe cases only).