Medically Reviewed by Dr. Harshi Dhingra, M.D.

Last Reviewed: Jul 21, 2022

Pharmacist Tips

Adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine) Tips from Pharmacists

  • Take Adderall with or without food

  • Adderall can cause sleeping problems; take this medication early in the day to avoid these adverse reactions.

  • Adderall IR (immediate-release) doses should be taken every four to six hours as directed.

  • Avoid driving or performing tasks that require mental focus and reactions the first few days of taking Adderall IR (immediate-release); this will allow you to see how your body reacts to this medication.

  • Do not take Adderall within one hour of drinking fruit juices such as orange or grapefruit juice; the juice’s vitamin C content can make Adderall less effective.

  • On the other hand, acid-reducing medications such as Tums and Maalox can lead to dangerous drug interaction with Adderall and potentially worsen the side effects of Adderall. Talk to your doctor if you use over-the-counter medications for GERD or acid reflux.

  • Take this medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor to minimize the risk of substance abuse and side effects of Adderall; do not sell or give away this medication.

  • Set up a reminder on your phone to refill Adderall to avoid running out of medication and missing a dose, as this can interfere with your work and personal life.