Ammonium Lactate

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Harshi Dhingra, M.D.

Last Reviewed: Oct 24, 2024


Ammonium Lactate (Lac-Hydrin) Uses

Ammonium lactate topical is used for the treatment of xerosis (dry or scaly skin) and ichthyosis vulgaris (an inherited condition characterized by dry skin). It adds moisture to the stratum corneum (outermost layer of skin) and may also decrease corneocyte cohesion. In addition to hydrating dry skin, ammonium lactate also provides temporary relief from itching caused by these skin conditions.

There may be other uses of ammonium lactate—your doctor or pharmacist can give you further drug information.

Ammonium Lactate (Lac-Hydrin) Mechanism of Action

Ammonium lactate increases hydration (moisture) in the skin.

Ammonium Lactate (Lac-Hydrin) Doses

Ammonium lactate topical is available as a generic drug by prescription. It is also available over-the-counter under the brand name Am-Lactin in cream and lotion form in strengths of 5-7%, 12%, and 15%. It should be used on the affected areas twice daily.