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How to Soothe a Colic Baby: Tips For Relief

How to Soothe a Colic Baby: Tips For Relief
Key Takeaways
  • Colic is characterized by inconsolable crying in a healthy baby. If your baby cries for more than three hours a day, at least three days a week, for three or more weeks, they may have colic.  Colic often peaks at 6 weeks of age and typically resolves by 3 to 4 months. 

  • While it's unclear what causes colic (theories include sensitivity to foods and an underdeveloped digestive system), parents can try various soothing tactics like skin-to-skin contact, gentle rocking, soft music, and swaddling. 

  • Parents dealing with a colicky baby should prioritize self-care, take breaks, and seek support from loved ones or healthcare providers. It’s important to remember that colic is temporary and is not a parent’s fault.

What Is Colic?

Colic is inconsolable high-pitched crying, fussiness, and discomfort for extended periods in an otherwise healthy baby that occurs for no obvious reason. It’s a common problem that affects around 20% of babies and a common reason for sick visits to the pediatrician in early infancy.

Colic typically starts in the first few weeks of life, peaks at around 6 weeks of age, and resolves by age 3 to 4 months in most babies. The constant crying without any speciifc reason can be extremely distressing and stressful for new parents who are already exhausted. There are ways to treat colic, soothe a crying baby, and reduce your own stress. Keep reading to learn more.

Colic Symptoms

The key characteristic of infant colic is excessive crying and fussiness. This typically occurs during specific times of the day, usually in the late afternoon or evening. This act of crying is different from the usual bouts of crying that an infant will experience due to hunger, discomfort, or tiredness. The crying is very loud and seems to have a painful tone to it. Here is a list of common colic symptoms:

  • Intense crying or screaming

  • Face bright red

  • Clenched fists

  • Legs extended or pulled up

  • Eyes closed or opened wide

  • Arched back

  • Distended or tense abdomen

  • Passing gas, increased gassiness or discomfort after feeding 

  • Fussiness even after they stop crying

  • Frequent spitting up

  • Rapid breathing during crying episodes

Possible Causes of Colic 

We don’t know what exactly causes colic and why some babies experience it while others don’t. There is no single factor that seems to be the main reason behind colic, but there are several theories that have been put forward that may contribute to colicky symptoms, including:

  • Sensitivity to breast milk: It’s possible that a colicky baby has a food sensitivity or allergy to foods in the mother’s breast milk. This can include caffeine and other potentially irritating foods like chocolate, spicy foods, or milk products. Learn what medications to avoid while breastfeeding.

  • Sensitivities or Allergies: ​​Some babies may have sensitivities or mild allergic reactions to cow’s milk proteins, soy, or components of formula such as lactose. 

  • Underdeveloped digestive system: Some babies experience discomfort and colic because their digestive system isn’t fully developed or they have an imbalance of healthy and harmful bacteria in their gut. This immaturity of the digestive system can cause intestinal spasms, contributing to cramping and discomfort in the stomach and intestines. 

  • Feeding practices: Potential contributing factors to colic may include underfeeding, overfeeding, or infrequent burping of the baby. Overfeeding may cause bloating, and underfeeding may leave the baby unsatisfied, resulting in more crying.

  • Overstimulation and underdeveloped nervous system: There’s a theory that overstimulation causes colic. Some babies are unusually sensitive to their environment and take time to adapt to life outside the womb. As a result, they are unable to self-console in the presence of bright lights, loud noises, and other stimulation, causing them to feel overwhelmed and have crying episodes.

  • Other potential causes of colic: It’s possible that colic is an early form of childhood migraine. There are also potential links to family stress and anxiety. Babies are sensitive to their caregivers’ emotions and may become more upset if caregivers are stressed or anxious. 

Note on gas and colic: When a baby cries inconsolably, many new parents blame gas. However, there isn’t much evidence to support that colicky babies make more gas. It’s more likely that a baby with colic passes more gas due to swallowing too much air during prolonged crying episodes.

Risk Factors: What Worsens Colic?

Researchers have not identified any specific risk factors for colic. There is no difference in risk between breastfed babies and bottle-fed babies, preterm infants and full-term infants, males and females, or the order of birth.


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Recognizing If Your Baby Has Colic

Common Signs of Colic

Symptoms of colic typically occur at around the same time every day, often in the afternoon or early evening hours. The crying spells can be intense, making it appear like the baby is in severe pain. 

The 3-3-3 Rule For Colic

Pediatricians diagnose colic if a baby has crying episodes for more than three hours a day, at least three days a week, for more than three weeks. This is called the 3-3-3 rule for colic.

Identifying and Avoiding Triggers

The exact cause of colic is unknown and can vary from baby to baby. Managing colic, therefore, requires trying different things. For example, you may find that your baby has less colic if you avoid caffeine. Or your baby may have a milk allergy (be sensitive to certain proteins in milk products), and eliminating them from your diet may help. Keep in mind that food allergies are a cause of colic in only a small number of infants. You’ll have to try different things. For instance, you may find your baby cries less in a less stimulating environment. 

When To Consult A Healthcare Provider

Uncontrollable crying is a sign of colic in many infants but can also be a sign of other medical conditions. Consult your baby’s pediatrician if your infant has excessive crying or signs of colic, so they can review your baby’s health. It is especially important to make an appointment with your baby’s doctor if there are other signs and symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or poor weight gain.

How To Soothe a Baby with Colic?

Comforting Techniques

  • Offer your baby a pacifier. This can sometimes provide instant relief. Sucking on a pacifier can provide comfort and help calm a baby during crying episodes, as it satisfies the baby’s natural sucking reflex. However, a breastfed baby may actively refuse a pacifier.

  • Increase skin-to-skin contact.

  • Try movement techniques like walking them around in a baby carrier or stroller, sitting with the baby in a rocking chair, putting them in a bouncer or swing, or putting them in a car seat and taking them for a car ride. Rhythmic, gentle motions can help calm some babies. 

  • Turn off the TV, music, phones, and lights to avoid overstimulation.

  • Play soothing music or sing a lullaby.

  • Give the baby a warm bath to help relax muscles, ease gas pains, and provide a soothing feeling. 

  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine with calming activities to signal to a baby that it is time to wind down, helping reduce crying episodes. 

Massage to Relieve Colic in Babies

Some parents find that gentle massage helps soothe a baby with colic. Place your baby across your knees on their tummy and gently rub their back. Tummy time helps strengthen muscles and may also help to relieve gas and reduce discomfort in the abdominal area. Make sure tummy time is done while the baby is awake and supervised. 

White Noise and Swaddling

  • Use white noise from a white noise machine, fan, washing machine, or vacuum cleaner in an adjoining room to mimic the environment of the womb.

  • Swaddle your baby in a light, thin blanket to provide a comforting feeling of being in the womb.

How To Soothe Colic Baby At Night?

A colicky infant in the middle of the night can be especially alarming and stressful for parents. Here are some tips on how to soothe a colic baby at night:

  • Increase skin contact by holding and cuddling your baby

  • Sing or talk softly to your baby.

  • Walk around with your baby.

  • Sway back and forth while holding the baby.

  • Sit with the baby in a rocking chair.

  • Place the infant in a stroller.

  • Swaddle the baby in a soft blanket.

  • Gently rub the baby's back.

Lifestyle Adjustments and Dietary Considerations

Feeding Practices 

  • Do not overfeed your baby. Instead, try giving the baby smaller meals more frequently to avoid stomach discomfort.

  • Do not rush through feeding. Each bottle or breastfeeding session should last around 20 minutes. Burp the baby during and after the feedings to release any swallowed air, reducing the risk of gas buildup.

  • Do not underfeed your baby. Sometimes a baby cries simply because they are hungry.

  • Try feeding in an upright position to reduce gas intake.

How To Soothe a Colic Baby with Dietary Changes?

If you are breastfeeding your baby, try eliminating potentially irritating foods from your diet to see if they can relieve colic symptoms in your baby. For example, you can try to eliminate milk products, caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods, or gassy foods (cabbage, onions, beans, peas, lentils, and carbonated drinks). It can take up to 2 weeks after eliminating irritating foods to notice a difference.

If you are bottle feeding your baby, switching to a different type of infant formula, for example a hypoallergenic formula or protein hydrolysate formula, may help to ease digestion and colic symptoms. Talk to your pediatrician about options, and possible sensitivities or allergies.

What Makes Colic Go Away?

Over-the-counter colic remedies containing simethicone may help if a baby’s colic is due to gas. Pediatricians do not recommend using gripe water as a colic treatment as this and other herbal remedies are not evaluated for safety and efficacy by the Food and Drug Administration. Homeopathic remedies for colic are similarly unregulated and may contain harmful toxins.

Coping With The Stress of a Colicky Baby

Self-Care Tips For Parents

It’s normal for a new parent to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. A colicky baby can significantly affect your mental health. If you are having trouble dealing with colic, do not hesitate to seek help. Ask friends or family members to watch the baby so you can take a break. Even 1-2 hours a day of me-time can help you cope. If you don’t have a support system, talk to your healthcare provider. They can recommend ways to help you manage.

Remember, a colicky baby should never be shaken. Shaking a baby or young child can lead to blindness, brain damage, and even death. 

Here’s a list of tips for parents to handle the stress and exhaustion of a colicky baby:

  • Acknowledge your feelings and give yourself grace. It is normal to feel frustrated, exhausted, or even resentful at times. This does not make you a bad parent. 

  • Accept and Ask for help. Ask your spouse, partner, or family member to watch the baby while you step out for a short time.

  • Use stress-relief techniques. Practice deep breathing, listen to calm music, stretch or do light exercises, and journal to help with overwhelming feelings. Remember to take care of yourself. Eat healthy, make time for exercise, and avoid alcohol and drugs. Find out: Is alcohol safe during breastfeeding?

  • Place the baby safely in the crib. If a crying episode is overwhelming you, it’s perfectly fine to put your baby in the crib for a short while while you calm yourself down. 

  • Talk to loved ones and find support. If you are feeling helpless, guilty, angry, or depressed, talk to a trusted friend, family member, doctor, or therapist. You can also join a parenting support group to connect with others who are going through a similar experience. 

  • Go easy on yourself. Many new mothers and fathers judge their parenting abilities by how much their baby cries. Remember, colic isn't a sign of poor parenting. Uncontrolled crying does not mean you are not taking good care of your baby. 

  • Plan for emergencies. The stress of a screaming, colicky infant baby can cause some parents to shake the baby or otherwise harm it, for example, by smacking a fussy baby’s head. Make a plan with a friend or family member who can be there for you if you feel overwhelmed. If you don’t have a support system, talk to your healthcare provider about connecting with local crisis intervention services or mental health helplines for support.

Remember: Colic Is Temporary

Overwhelmed and stressed new moms and dads should remember that colic is temporary. Most babies outgrow it by the time they are 3 or 4 months old. There is no way to avoid colic, but there are baby colic treatments that can help manage it and keep a fussy baby comfortable. Caring for a colicky baby is challenging. Remember to be kind to yourself, ask for help when needed, and prioritize self-care.

Support Networks and Resources

Support groups can help decrease stress, anxiety, and social isolation. Here are some resources you can explore:

When To Seek Medical Advice

Warning Signs of Other Issues

Seek medical care if your baby has inconsolable crying and other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. Also, call your pediatrician if your baby refuses feeding or has poor weight gain.

Possible Complications of Untreated Colic

Colic does not cause any short-term or long-term health problems for the baby. However, the stress of dealing with colic can lead to:

  • Exhaustion and inability to care for the baby

  • Feelings of helplessness, guilt, or anger in the parents of many babies

  • Postpartum depression in the mother or father

  • Early stopping of breast-feeding

  • Shaken baby syndrome
