
Medically Reviewed by HaVy Ngo, Pharm.D.

Last Reviewed: Jun 10, 2022

Pharmacist Tips

Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) tips from pharmacists

  • Hydroxyzine can cause severe drowsiness. You should avoid driving or performing any activities that require mental alertness until you know how your body reacts to this medication.

  • You should not drink alcohol or take any CNS depressants while taking hydroxyzine, as the combination can make you even more drowsy. 

  • Hydroxyzine can cause dry mouth. In addition to drinking plenty of water, you can chew sugarless gum or suck hard candy to help dry mouth.

  • Dry eyes and blurred vision are some of the hydroxyzine’s common side effects. If you wear contact lenses and this becomes bothersome, you can use lubricating eyedrops. Let your doctor know if this problem does not improve or become severe.