
Medically Reviewed by HaVy Ngo, Pharm.D.

Last Reviewed: Jun 15, 2022

Pharmacist Tips

Olanzapine (Zypreza, Zypraxa Zydis, Zyprexa Relprevv) tips from pharmacists

  • Olanzapine can cause severe sedation and slow down your thinking and reaction. At the beginning of therapy, you should refrain from driving or performing any activities requiring mental alertness. 

  • After a few weeks of taking olanzapine, if it still makes you feel drowsy, you should take it at bedtime or late evening. 

  • If you experience stomach upset, taking olanzapine with food can alleviate stomach discomfort. 

  • Olanzapine can cause a rise in blood sugar even if you don’t have diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should regularly check your blood sugar as directed by your healthcare provider to ensure your blood sugar is still within the acceptable range. 

  • In addition to high blood sugar, olanzapine can cause high cholesterol and high triglycerides. Along with a healthy, balanced diet, you should incorporate regular exercise into your everyday life to maintain a healthy weight. 

  • Olanzapine can cause orthostatic hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension is a sudden drop in blood pressure caused by changing positions from lying down to sitting or standing. This is more common at the beginning of therapy or after a recent dose adjustment. To avoid dizziness and falls, especially at the beginning of olanzapine therapy, you should change positions slowly and hold on to the bed rail, chair, or table if needed.  

  • Stay well-hydrated when you are outside in hot weather or during exercise. Olanzapine makes it harder for your body to cool down. Let your doctor know if you notice a decrease in urine amount or if you have dark-colored urine. 

  • Be compliant with all your doctor and blood work appointments. Blood work is important to ensure your blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and other electrolytes are within normal limits. 

  • Like other antipsychotic drugs, olanzapine may be a part of a treatment program that includes non-pharmacological interventions such as counseling and psychological support programs. Being compliant with non-pharmacological intervention is very important to the overall success of the treatment plan.