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Please note that these prices are subject to change. Use this tool as close as possible to the day you plan to fill the prescription so you always have the latest and greatest prescription savings information—this data is updated daily. This lookup tool provides estimated prices at nearby pharmacies.
What is Lisinopril used for?
Lisinopril is used alone or together with other medicines to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).
How can I redeem a Lisinopril coupon without insurance?
Both uninsured and insured people can use BuzzRx to save on prescriptions. Simply bring your free BuzzRx coupon to the pharmacy and save on Lisinopril at CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Safeway, Albertsons, Rite Aid, Target, Kroger, and many other drug stores!
What pharmacies accept this prescription discount card for my Lisinopril medication?
The BuzzRx card and coupons are accepted at over 95% of pharmacies in the U.S.—over 60,000 participate in our savings program including Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, Target, Kroger, Safeway, Fry’s, Harris Teeter, and more.
How much does Lisinopril cost without insurance?
The retail price for the most common version of Lisinopril is on average $401.10, but with your free BuzzRx savings card program or coupon, you could pay as little as $353.69 at any pharmacy in our network. There is currently no generic version of this medication available.
What if the pharmacist refuses to take the Lisinopril coupon?
As long as you have a signed prescription from your doctor and are filling a prescription at one of the 60,000+ pharmacies in our network, the pharmacist should accept your Lisinopril coupon as per our pharmacy contracts. If you are having trouble, please call our customer service line at 1-844-749-1019 or email
How long do Lisinopril coupons last?
A BuzzRx coupon is free to use and never expire. You can use your free BuzzRx savings coupon every time you fill a prescription or as many times as you need.
How can I save money on my High blood pressure medication?
Enter your zip code to compare discount Lisinopril coupon prices in your area. Discounts may vary by location and pharmacy chain.
How do I use this Lisinopril prescription discount card?
It’s easy! All you have to do is take your card to any participating pharmacy and present it when you pay for your medications. Most pharmacies will know what to do, but if your pharmacist needs assistance, have them call the toll-free number on the back of the card: 1-844-749-1019.
Is it safe to take Lisinopril with alcohol?
Like other controlled substances, do not take Lisinopril with alcohol or recreational drugs, as combining them can lead to severe or life-threatening side effects.
Is the BuzzRx Lisinopril coupon card an insurance product?
BuzzRx is not insurance—it’s a prescription savings program. By using the BuzzRx card or coupons, you are obligated to pay for all prescriptions as you receive them. However, it’s not unusual for BuzzRx pricing to be less than copays on popular medications, so always have the pharmacy check the price with both your insurance and the BuzzRx card.